Untitled (Shlomi) Dead Sea, 2011 (60/90 cm)
"David Adika’s photographic installation, EQUATOR, explores the imaginary lines which divide people and places: East and West, North and South, past and present. In a series of color and black & white archival inkjet prints representing four geographically diverse regions in Israel, Adika creates a map of experience, written across the face of the Israeli landscape and its people, where lines that divide also connect and borders become meeting points, marking spaces of correspondence".
[ Jordan Rockford, Curator ]

Untitled (Man in the Dryland, Yehiel Shemi), Cabri 2012 (90/120 cm)

Untitled (Uri) Dead Sea, 2009-2012 (50/75 cm)

Untitled (TOYOTA) 2009 Dead Sea, 2012 (50/75 cm)
![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993596921-R8Z4LEHF04X5AQAGUJ26/DA_KW_2012-21.jpg)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]

Untitled (Damaged Landscape A) Jerusalem, 2012 (120/140)

Untitled (Damaged Landscape B) Jerusalem, 2012 (120/140)
![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford] ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1419162022604-ICL6GU6LEQRFQGKQON2A/image-asset.jpeg)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]

Untitled (Snir) TLV 2007, 2012 (30/40 cm)

Untitled (Black Figure) Tel Aviv 2012 (90/120)

Untitled (Arbel and the Sea of Galilee), 2012 (45/80 cm)

Untitled (Statue of Liberty) 2012, Arabe'e-Shakhnin 2008 (45/80 cm)
![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993596614-CD73EYCBG1AO0FA2ILK8/DA_KW_2012-22.jpg)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]

Untitled (Via Dolorosa) Jerusalem, 2012 (70/100 cm)
![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993594708-2NW5OYAL29088SPF43OY/DA_KW_2012-18.jpg)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]

Untitled (Jaffa Looks at Tel Aviv) 2012 (90/120 cm)

Untitled (tel Aviv Sunset) 2012 (50/60 cm)
![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993594807-E19BOJGWQ9EVH7FAF8AG/DA_KW_2012-19.jpg)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]
Untitled (Shlomi) Dead Sea, 2011 (60/90 cm)
"David Adika’s photographic installation, EQUATOR, explores the imaginary lines which divide people and places: East and West, North and South, past and present. In a series of color and black & white archival inkjet prints representing four geographically diverse regions in Israel, Adika creates a map of experience, written across the face of the Israeli landscape and its people, where lines that divide also connect and borders become meeting points, marking spaces of correspondence".
[ Jordan Rockford, Curator ]
Untitled (Man in the Dryland, Yehiel Shemi), Cabri 2012 (90/120 cm)
Untitled (Uri) Dead Sea, 2009-2012 (50/75 cm)
Untitled (TOYOTA) 2009 Dead Sea, 2012 (50/75 cm)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]
Untitled (Damaged Landscape A) Jerusalem, 2012 (120/140)
Untitled (Damaged Landscape B) Jerusalem, 2012 (120/140)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]
Untitled (Snir) TLV 2007, 2012 (30/40 cm)
Untitled (Black Figure) Tel Aviv 2012 (90/120)
Untitled (Arbel and the Sea of Galilee), 2012 (45/80 cm)
Untitled (Statue of Liberty) 2012, Arabe'e-Shakhnin 2008 (45/80 cm)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]
Untitled (Via Dolorosa) Jerusalem, 2012 (70/100 cm)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]
Untitled (Jaffa Looks at Tel Aviv) 2012 (90/120 cm)
Untitled (tel Aviv Sunset) 2012 (50/60 cm)
Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]

![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993596921-R8Z4LEHF04X5AQAGUJ26/DA_KW_2012-21.jpg)

![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford] ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1419162022604-ICL6GU6LEQRFQGKQON2A/image-asset.jpeg)

![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993596614-CD73EYCBG1AO0FA2ILK8/DA_KW_2012-22.jpg)

![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993594708-2NW5OYAL29088SPF43OY/DA_KW_2012-18.jpg)

![Equator, Installation View, The Open Lens Gallery, The Gershman Y, (University of the Arts), Philadelphia 2012 [Curator: Jordan Rockford]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52021451e4b02c9e7bb8958a/1375993594807-E19BOJGWQ9EVH7FAF8AG/DA_KW_2012-19.jpg)